I installed xwiki on linux rhel 6.8 vm and for doing so I installed tomcat and then i downloaded the xwiki.war and extracted it in a directory called xwiki in webapps directory of tomcat.I also copied the mysql connector jar in the lib folder present in …/xwiki/WEB-INF and made required changes in hibernate.cfg,xml file.Before doing that I have installed mysql on the vm ,started its server and created xwiki database and views as mentioned on your site.
But the problem is that I am getting an empty xwiki site as given in this link → https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/EmptyWiki/
and I am not able to understand how to bring various features in my xwiki.Please help me with this asap.
Why don’t you follow the instructions on https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/EmptyWiki/ ?
First of all,Thank you for replying.
Ok.So I have two queries,
1.what is meant by permanent directory here in <permanentdirectory>/extension/repository i.e the directory in which I have to extract the xip package.Actually the VM I am using is not having net accessibility.
(while installing xwiki i have set “environment.permanentDirectory” property in xwiki.properties file as “environment.permanentDirectory=/var/lib/xwiki/data”)
2.after extracting xip package in the above given repository do have to add that repository’s path in “extension.repositories=” property of xwiki.properties config file only.(in my case will it be like this “extension.repositories=/var/lib/xwiki/data/extension/repository”).
I want to ask where I am going wrong because after doing the above two changes the site’s url stopped working.The thing is that I have to set up XWiki on an offline server inside our corporate network.