Enable SSO functionality

I tried LDAP authentication
http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/LDAP/Authenticator/ on one server.
Suppose i have Server A (main server), server B(subdomain). On server A i set up LDAP authentication.
and On server B, i have enabled SSO login(you can see that in image), where i set SSO url to server A URL(where i configured LDAP).
But now problem is that when i am trying to login through server B, its redirecting me to server A. How can i revert back my changes?

I am not able to find exact document for setting SSO parameters. So I want to ask you to help me. Thank you very much.

“SSO” is just a generic term for “several applications use the same identity provider” but we can’t help you much if you are not giving more details on what system you are exactly using. All the XWiki LDAP authenticator do is connect to the LDAP server you are indicating in the configuration and maintain XWiki user from it, it’s not redirecting to anything.

It’s not really clear if you your issue is even related to XWiki since what you show in your screenshot has nothing to do with it.