Example of documentTree invokation with filterByClass

I am trying to invoke the documentTree macro but I can’t seem to make the parameter filterByClass to work work properly.
From the macro documentation, it appears that: ``This parameter currently works only with hierarchyMode=parentchild.‘’ But… even that doesn’t work for me.

For example:
{{documentTree filterByClass="xwiki:XWiki.PublishedClass" hierarchyMode="parentChild" showAttachments="false" openTo="document:$doc.documentReference.toString()" root="document:xwiki:Manual.WebHome"/}}

The documetn XWiki.PublishedClass is just a marker class with a single property.
It is there in some of the pages but all are displayed in the documenttree.
Any hint would be appreciated.


The documentation mentions “parentchild” hierarchy mode, not “parentChild”. This works for me after adding tags to a couple of pages, including the home page (which is the root):

{{documentTree hierarchyMode="parentchild" filterByClass="XWiki.TagClass"/}}

Hope this helps,