Export 7.1.1 space in xWiki 9.11


We have an old xWiki Enterprise release 7.1.1 (linked to Oracle) where several Spaces are defined. We now need to transfer the data of 1 of these spaces into a new xWiki 9.11 (hsqldb) release.

Does anyone know whats the best way to proceed here please ?

Kind regards

Just to be sure: you are not mixing “spaces” and “wikis”, right ? You just want to move some pages (all located in the same space) from one wiki to another ?

If that’s the case the best is usually to export that space in XAR format and then import it on the other side. It’s a bit easier now (but a “Space” is now called a “Page” with children) but in 7.1.1 you could use the space export helper provided in http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Admin+Tools+Application. Then you can import this XAR file with the standard XAR import UI. See http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/ImportExport for more details.

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That is correct, in the 7.1.1 xwiki enterprise we have a dozen Spaces defined. 1 such space (all pages of that space) need to go to the new xwiki 9.11

I allready tried the procedure you propossed, however on the 9.11 xwiki when i select the XAR file with the exported Space i get an error message ‘an error occured…’ which goes away after a few seconds. Do you maybe have any idea in which log file i could find the reason for this ?

(btw : many thanks for the quick reply :-))

Found the issue of the upload error, max file upload limit :slight_smile: Proceeding now