Extended Todo Application and xwiki9.5.1

Failed to render content. Cause: [Can’t find descriptor for the component [role = [interface org.xwiki.rendering.parser.Parser] hint = [xwiki/1.0]]]. Click on this message for details.

Im new to xwiki and getting lost in all this Java and scripting language I’ve never heard of before ;-). Learning… just slowly.

So I’ve installed the Extended Todo App in the just released Xwiki 9.5.1 and it seems there is a parser error due to (I’m guessing) Xwiki 9.5.1 using Syntax 2.1. How do I update this extension to use the new syntax version? Do I replace all “xwiki/1.0” with “xwiki/2.1”? I do not know how to build with Maven… I’m just wondering if all I have to do is simple text tweaks.

Any one ran into this?

Hi, you’re probably referring to http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Extended%20Todo%20Application which is an extension contributed and supported by an individual (xwiki:XWiki.mrawash). Note that this user doesn’t even have an account anymore on xwiki.org. So I’d say that this extension has not been supported for a long time and that’s why it fails when you install it.

In practice the reason is simple. Over the years we’ve made the old XWiki Syntax 1.0 a deprecated syntax and it’s no longer bundled by default. So to make this extension work you’ll need to install http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Old%20XWiki%201.0%20syntax%20renderer/ extension first. Ideally this extension would need to declare a dependency on it now.

I’ve added a note on the extension page.


Indeed if you’re interested to work on this extension, one option would be for you to install this extension in your wiki (it’s a XAR), convert the pages to XWiki Syntax 2.1 and export the extension again and bump the version and publish it on http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Extended%20Todo%20Application


Don’t hesitate to come on IRC/Matrix if you need guidance: http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/Chat


Time for more reading.