Extension Repository Connector - Pypi released!


I’m happy to announce that Extension Repository Connector - Pypi is released - http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Extension%20Repository%20Connector%20-%20Pypi/

XWiki has possibility to scirpt on its pages in Python. Under the hood it’s Java Scripting API and Jython that takes care of running this script and returning result to page. Jython has implementation only for standard libraries. That’s why Extension Repository Connector - Pypi is created - to be able to import to XWiki other (non-standard) python packages that are hosted on pypi: PyPI · The Python Package Index.

I’d be grateful for any feedback :slight_smile:

Great work !

This looks cool, well done!

Do you think you could add more explanation (and possibly a screenshot if that’s applicable) to explain how to “import the requests package” in the example at http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Extension%20Repository%20Connector%20-%20Pypi/#HExample ?


Yes sure :slight_smile:

I added some screens and instruction how to install python package:

Awesome! I fully understand it now, it’s very cool :slight_smile:

Note: I’ve reworded it a bit, hope you don’t mind.