Failed to execute the [jira] macro. Cause: [null]

Hi guys,

I have a problem with the jira macro. jira_xwiki

Any idea what Cause: [null] might be? Thanks!

XWiki Enterprise 9.5.1 btw

Which version of the jira macro?

8.5.2. The newest version 8.6 is not compatible to the wiki version

ok thanks. Some dev would need to reproduce to fix the issue.

Now since 9.5.1 is not supported for 2 years already, it would be better if you could upgrade to the LTS for example (11.10.5 as of now).


If this is really important to you and you cannot upgrade, you could ask for professional services from a company sponsoring the dev of xwiki, see

I’ve checked quickly and the problem seems to be here: jira/jira-config/jira-config-platform/src/main/java/org/xwiki/contrib/jira/config/internal/ at 5124294ca90808df9f4fc1d9293c71a78dac0a58 · xwiki-contrib/jira · GitHub

And this is also in XWiki 12.x so it’s possible that the issue also exists in the last version. I’ll bullet proof this but it means that your JIRA.JIRAConfig page is missing an xobject which is not good.

You should check this page’s history to see what happened.

Actually just checked further and I don’t see how document.getXObjects() can return something null…

Maybe some bug that was fixed after 9.5.1.

Thank you very much. Unfortunately it will take some time to update our xwiki. So I hoped that we can solve the problem in the old version. Damn

yep I confirm that in 9.5.1 it’s possible that it returns null:

It should work, just check the page history as I mentioned and make sure it has the proper xobjects. Someone must have deleted something that shouldn’t have been removed :slight_smile:

Amazing, that might help.

Thanks a lot, we finally did it.

Do you know if there is a possibility to have the jira content searchable, too? At the moment, the information is shown in XWIKI, but it doesn’t seem to be indicated for search

You mean that it’s now working fine?

The jira content is fetched and displayed dynamically, it’s not stored in the XWiki database or on the file system, and thus cannot be searched ATM.

Now you could search from xwiki by using a jira rest api for search.