Fancybox gallery extension

Hi all,

I’d be interested in developing an extension for displaying image galleries based on Fancybox which offers interesting features imho, in particular: zooming, responsiveness, effects, touch support. It’s licensed under the GPLv3 though and has not been very active since 1 year. Before going any further, may I ask if any of you has other suggestions for an improved gallery image? PhotoSwipe used to be nice and trendy but its development and maintenance is kind of stalled as far as I can see.

As far as the license is concerned: I looked a bit into other extensions using GPLv3 libraries, such as ircbot. If I understand correctly, the extension code itself can be LGPL with a dependency on a GPLv3 library?

Cheers & Thanks

Hardly a license expert but AFAIK it all depends on how you are manipulating the code provided by the library:

  • if it’s a direct link (you directly call in your code a GPL method): you have to be GPL too
  • if it’s an indirect link (you use some LGPL/Apache/other API which happen to be implemented by a GPL library at runtime) then you can have the license you want

Anyway your extension does not have to be LGPL to be installed in XWiki, so you could simply make it GPL and not have to worry about that anymore.

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Thank you Thomas. I will probably use GPLv3 indeed then.

Meantime I released a Fancybox Macro RC1 in GPLv3. However, should anyone spot other good alternatives I’m still interested of course, in particular that’d be great to have a library featuring the traditional carousel option / box overlay with touch support and zooming capabilities (the carousel aspect is planned for the next version of Fancybox / Fancyapps however the release is pending since a long time and the development seems a bit stalled.
