Footnote is not supported in CommonMark Markdown Syntax 1.2 8.7.1

Hello, it seems like that we can’t use footnote ([^]) in xwiki even with the extension,itn’t it? I’m working with xwiki 13.3.0.

Hi, I don’t see any reference to a footnote syntax in common markdown 0.29 at CommonMark Spec, could you provide a link showing that there’s a footnote syntax in common markdown?


I think you’re referring to Extended Syntax | Markdown Guide but that’s not common mark.

Now flexmark-java has a footnote extension (Footnotes Extension · vsch/flexmark-java Wiki · GitHub)) so we could imagine adding some optional support for it.

Feel free to add a jira issue at Markdown Syntax - JIRA for it.


Thanks a lot. Now I see. footnotes is the extended syntax that is not currently supported by common markdown 1.2 at the moment. For the scientific citation, may mediawiki 1.6 provide a better solution. I’ll move my attention to that.

Note that XWiki’s syntax supports footnotes.

Actually there’s a syntax for foonotes with the MD syntax: it’s by using xwiki rendering macros and use the footnote and putFootnotes macros (

See for the syntax to use xwiki macros in MD syntax.

I tried your suggestion. It works pretty similar to the markdown when I insert the footnote with the xwiki 2.1 syntax {{footnote}}This is some text from{{/footnote}} into the markdown page. Thanks for your suggestions.