how can i force attachments to download, if i click on it? On .docx format, the file starts to download, but on other files like .os the file opens in a new tab.
How can i change the settings there?
Look for attachment.download.whitelist
and attachment.download.blacklist
in your xwiki.properties
Where is xwiki.properties file default located on a Debian Server with xWiki?
Only in the release notes, http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/ReleaseNotes/ReleaseNotesXWiki52M2#HChoosingwhichtypesofattachmentscanbedisplayedinline28Security29 . See Loading... .
Ironically my Changes don’t work even if i reboot the server.
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Attachment
#-# [Since 5.2M2]
#-# Define the kind of attachment that can be displayed inline. You can either choose to do it through a whitelist (only
#-# the mimetypes defined in this list would be displayed inline) or a blacklist (every mimetype that is not in this list
#-# would be displayed inline if possible)
#-# By default we use the following whitelist (coma separated list of values).