Giving permissions and Assigning specific pages and objects to users

hello again.

I want that a new user ( from user group ) to have a button like " License registration " and redirect him to a Registration page ( witch is an object of my created class ) . How can i do that ? I dont know how can i “prepare” or “give” to a user a page or object from my class…

And then i need to fetch all those objects so i can create “License schedule” .

anyone know how i can “give” to any users from a specific wiki group a page that they can edit ? And that page contains a Object of a specific Class that i created?

You just need to use HTML to create a form/button. See for example.

#if("$!request.docName" != '')
  ## Request for creating a new instance
  #set($docName = ${request.docName})
  #set($targetDocName = "${request.spaceName}.${docName}")
  #if(!$xwiki.exists($targetDocName) && $xwiki.hasAccessLevel('edit', $xcontext.user, $targetDocName))
    $response.sendRedirect($xwiki.getURL($targetDocName, 'inline', "template=${escapetool.url($request.template)}&parent=${escapetool.url($request.parent)}"))
    ## Stop processing, since we already sent a redirect.

i dont know how to change this code to work with my class. for example what is ${request.docName}? what is the difference between ${request.docName} and $!request.docName(this one i found that is the actual value of the docName input) ?

I want to “clone” this button, so i can place him in other page… like a user is logging and can see this button and enter a page title and click “Create this page” … how can i do that :D? the code above is killing me…