My main wiki(on domain lets say is set as follows: unregistered users can view and they can also self register.
Now I created another site( as subwiki and with the same policy. It should act as standalone site with own local users (except me as admin).
I know that some users from WIKI A will visit WIKI B - but i want them not to be identified by the system as users(not to log them in) and just treat them as guest. And they can optionally register there as local users.
Is there any way how to do it?
The only way that I have come up with is to setup WIKI C as new MAIN wiki and then create both WIKI A and WIKI B as subwikis. That way they will be both local users and the only global user would be me. But this option is complicated as it would required complex migration.
Is there any other way how to realize this usecase?