Glossary Application : the automatic links don't work


I have installed “Glossary Application” (
I have filled the glossary with words and their definition.

I checked the box “ACTIVATE THE PERIODIC TRANSFORMATION OF GLOSSARY ENTRIES INTO LINKS” so that it automatically transforms all the words of the articles/pages already published by a link to the corresponding word in the glossary.

Problem is that it doesn’t work, even if I save the page again.

Could you help me?

Thank you very much,

Hi @christophe1983,

There is a hint under the label saying The default period is one day. So the transformation happens daily, at 00:00:00. What you can try is to change the cron expression or to trigger the scheduler job GlossaryEntriesTransformerJob.

Hope it helps,

Hi @acotiuga,

Thank you for your answer.
I’m going to dig this track hoping that it is not too technical to handle (I’m not a developer :slight_smile: )
Have a nice day,


@christophe1983, the changes you did 6 days ago, should have been visible in the next day.