Hello Respected Admins and Mentors,
I, Brihadeesh Radhakrishnan, A student of Jain College, Bangalore. This is My First GCI Project and I am thrilled to be a part of this exciting event!
I have completed the required tasks. Links for the Tasks are:
The Link to my wiki.org Profile:
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/BrihadeeshRadhakrishnan -
The Link to my Jira Profile:
Log in - XWiki.org JIRA -
The Link to My Riot/Matrix ID and the permalink to my message on the xwiki room
You're invited to talk on MatrixThe Above Project has been very fun to do and has helped me a learn a lot too..
Brihadeesh Radhakrishan