Google maps / Map macro and javascript conflict

I found an issue with implementing google and seznam maps in xwiki - google maps works only with normal map but not with satellite maps (the map pictures are not loaded). Seznam ( doesn’t work at all.
I found that there is some conflict in Javascript. In browser console I see this error:

This site overrides Array.from() with an implementation that doesn’t support iterables, which could cause Google Maps JavaScript API v3 to not work correctly.

When I tried Map macro I found it has the identical issue - satellite map doesn’t load and it says same error in console. Would anyone have an idea how to solve it?

Most probably caused by . It overwrites Array.from even if the browser supports it…

Hi mflorea,
thanks for the right point. I tried to modify /usr/lib/xwiki/resources/js/prototype/prototype.min.js in similar way as it is described here and it works as expected now. It seems the prototype.js is obsolete and it’s not maintained for a long time.

Yes, we’re moving away from it but slowly…