Greek html entities don't work for capital letters

Hi I was wondering , if any one has faced a similar problem .

Html entities for greek work only for small letters but not for capital .

Any ideas will be much appreciated.

Do you have some sample content that I can try out?

If I try it here it will work and it will output Γ .
so the entity you need to use wan’t be visible to you .

Here is the list of Entities for Symbols and Greek Letters

If you try one of the entities from the above url you will see that here translates to the relevant Greek capital letter but in mine xwiki doesn’t.
It only works for small letters.

By the way I considered if it could be a database issue , but my database is all ready on utf-8 .

XWiki and Discourse use different syntaxes for the content. Can you point me to the place in the XWiki syntax documentation where it says that HTML entities are working? If you want to use HTML (and HTML entities) then you need to use the HTML macro .

Hi Marius,

I didn’t find anything in the documentation about HTML entities, but I did find the below Jira’s

and tried the work around you suggested by adding in Advanced Configuration text area

config.entities_greek = false;
but didn’t work .
I thought with that work around I would be able to make it work.