With a Groovy script with admin rights I would like to scan all the objects of the class “XWiki.XWikiGlobalRights” for all the wiki.
The aim is too eventually modify some properties values.
With the following code I obtain the name of all the wikis.
List lIsteDesWikis;
lIsteDesWikis = xwiki.getWikiNames();
But after how to change of context for getting objects of a specific wiki ?
By advance, thanks.
Hi Vincent.
I have done this sGroovy script before I get your answer :
import com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level;
import org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReference;
import com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document;
import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException;
import com.xpn.xwiki.internal.mandatory.XWikiGlobalRightsDocumentInitializer;
import com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument;
Logger logger = services.logging.getLogger(doc.fullName);
logger.debug("Début du script 'DeleteDuplicateXWikiXWikiGlobalRigtsObjects.groovy'");
def classeXWikiGlobalRights = xwiki.getClass("XWiki.XWikiGlobalRights");
List<String> listeDesWikis;
listeDesWikis = xwiki.getWikiNames();
println "Liste of the wikis:"
for (currentWikiName in listeDesWikis) {
println "* ${currentWikiName}";
for (currentWikiName in listeDesWikis) {
println "=Wiki '${currentWikiName}'=";
DocumentReference documentReference = new DocumentReference(currentWikiName, ["XWiki"], "XWikiPreferences");
try {
Document currentWikiDocument = xwiki.getDocument(documentReference);
Vector<Object> vectorObject;
vectorObject = currentWikiDocument.getObjects("XWiki.XWikiGlobalRights");
String txt = "${vectorObject.size()} objects of the classe 'XWiki.XWikiGlobalRights' found in 'XWikiPreferences' of the wiki '${currentWikiName}'.";
println txt;
String ligneTitre1, ligneTitre2;
ligneTitre1 = "|#";
for (prop in classeXWikiGlobalRights.properties){
ligneTitre1 = ligneTitre1 + "|${prop.prettyName}\n(${prop.name})";
println ligneTitre1;
int occurence = 0;
for (currentObject in vectorObject) {
String ligne = "|" + occurence;
Boolean found = false;
for (prop in classeXWikiGlobalRights.properties){
ligne = ligne + "|${currentObject.get(prop.name)}";
println ligne;
occurence = occurence + 1;
} catch (XWikiException e){
logger.error("Document 'XWikiPreferences' not found for the wiki '${currentWikiName}'.");
logger.error("Exception during the call of getDocument() : ${e}");
The problem with this code is that the API get a “cleaned” name of the “groups” property.
For example I will get “XWikiAllgroup” instead of “xwiki:XWiki.XWikiAllgroup” for the global group or “XWiki.XWikiAllgroup” for the local group related to the current wiki.
What is the best way to get the real “groups” value ?
What is the supposed effect of the class “XWikiGlobalRightsDocumentInitializer” ? I tried to use it on each wiki without success. It issued a “null point exception” when it call the method “updateDocument(XWikiDocument document)” despite my document is not null (Generated Documentation (Untitled)).
Par avance, merci.
Camille desmots