Hello everyone, I am pleased to announce the release of Android Authenticator V1.2.
I am also presenting the work report of GSoC phase 2.
Work Done:
Integration of Xwiki Notifications:
This is the most critical feature of this phase of GSoC.
Work Manager is used to check the XWiki Notifications of a user by calling the REST API.
Whenever new notifications are available, Android Notifications are used to alert the user.
Take a look at the picture:
It has an OPEN button, which redirects the link to the correct page. See here:
The next new feature is introducing Notification Page, where all notifications for that user is being displayed. Take a look at the bell icon:
Clicking on the bell icon takes the user to the Notification Page where all Xwiki Notifications are displayed. Take a look at it:
Finally clicking on each notification will open the relevant URL link in Webview. See this:
Added Shimmer Effect :
During the loading of RecyclerView items(while data is fetched from API), the shimmer effect is being shown. It is a famous animation.
Added Landscape mode for Select Account Page
Take a look at the difference.
I would like to thank my mentors Thomas Mortagne and Aleksei Ovsiannikov for their support.
Some Useful Links:
Jira Issue Tracker
Github Repository link
Original Design link
Xwiki GSoC page link