I have several page , like this:
the page name is date.They are queue from small to large, but I want them queue from large to small. How to Implement it ?
Thanks very much!
There’s no parameter to control the order (ascending vs. descending). Your only option is probably to created a custom tree view https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/DevGuide/Tutorials/CreatingATreeView/ .
Thanks! I will try .
can this plugin solve this problem?
No. This is old code, written long before the current {{documentTree}} macro existed.
Where is the sorting order in the document tree hard-coded, can we make an adaption there?
It sorts a little bit strange:
A. My first area
|__ 1.2. my third page
|__ 1.1. my second page
|__ 1. my first page
Try “1.0 my first page”. The page names are sorted as strings not numbers.