Hidden feature?

Hello everyone,

I 've found a new type of link but i don’t know how it did appears, and how it works.

I wanted to make a link to a mail and when I open the options of the link, I saw a new Icon

What is it, how it works, and how can I make it appear ? I can’t find the way to do that.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards :slight_smile:

Indeed, hard to understand it :slight_smile: We need to devise something to let users learn about these (maybe just a hint on hover?).

Technically, it’s the relative path prefix for links (i.e. path:), see https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/UserGuide/Features/XWikiSyntax/?syntax=2.1&section=Links

I think the French translation of “Emplacement” is not great…

AFAIK you shouldn’t see it by default (it’s hidden). See also https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/CKEditor%20Integration/#HAddanewLinkType

I’ll look for your links, thanks !

I was hoping find a way to make a link to our file server but I think this will not work because of security settings on browser, unfortunately.

Thank you !

The path: link reference prefix mentionned by @vmassol is basically a way to pass anything you want in the generated <a> href attribute, so it theory this is what you could use. But indeed I’m afraid by default most browsers won’t like links pointing to the system (but maybe it’s configurable).

Thank you for your answer.

What seems weird for me, is that I can open a link pointing to the file server, but only if I paste the link in a new tab.
In Xwiki, those kind of link (file:////fileserver/etc.) won’t open when I click on it. The only way is to copy/paste in another tab.

Thanks again !

Yeah, I’m not surprised, really feels like a browser security (something like “If the user directly writes the path in the address bar, he probably knows what he is doing”).

I guess you’re right. I’ve found a plugin for Firefox that make the job, that’s a good news (for me)


Thanks again for the time you took :slight_smile:

Just as additional information for organisations: Edge for Windows has an feature that allows file links, as long as the Website that has the links is defined as a secure internal one (in the “intranet Zone”). That group policy is called IntranetFileLinksEnabled.
We use it in our organisation and it is nice and still quite secure. It won’t open ANY file. It will simply open the Windows File Explorer and the file is selected.
An good compromise between security and user friendliness in my opinion!

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Thank you for your answer.
Our policies force users to user Firefox, that’s why I looked for this feature.

Thanks again :slight_smile: