High CPU load after some days

Dear all,

I’m facing the following issue with my xwiki setup. After several days of running the server gets suddenly a very high CPU load and the system is not reachable from the internet anymore.
htop shows that this is caused by one Xwiki process

Any idea where to look.
After a reboot all is fine again for the next 4 days

You could take several thread dumps at a few minute intervals, to see what is happening in your XWiki instance.

like this:
http://snippets.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/JMX%20Access ?

No, like a thread dump for the java process. See https://www.baeldung.com/java-thread-dump

I was now able to catch it in the right time
catalina_20240825_1644_high_cpu.txt (731.4 KB)

catalina_20240825_1721_low_cpu.txt (150.7 KB)

Any Idea what happens?

Also I have seen that alzhough I ahve set -Xmx1024m -Xms512m in the tomcat9 file in /etc/defaults in usage of the System is increasung the usage of the memory constantly (max of the VM (proxmox) is 4GB

In the logs of the start I have seen that I have messages like

But I have set in the /var/lib/tomcat/conf/context.xml

I See messages like this in the log:
[warning] Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-template-api-15.10.11.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache

Any thoughts?