Horizontal navigation menu like the one on xwiki.org

No problem, I just jumped in the conversation on your last point since it seemed independent of the rest (which I haven’t followed).

Thanks for the link. I found that before. (ps the documentation in XWIKI is extraordinary and difficult to comprehend for a non technical end users.

Certainly, I would not dream of technically challenging what you say about how XWIKI should work Vincent. I have seen your name on dozens and dozens of XWIKI page documents. Thanks for sharing your genius.

My perspective is that of a practical non technical user experience in real XWIKI life.

My objective was and is simple. I have a standard install running 12.6.1 on two totally independent computer systems: Pi.production (8080) and Pi.backup (8082).

The objective is really simple and that is to have a situation where Pi.production is 100% mirrored (as in content, applications, settings, defaults, user pages, etc etc) in Pi.backup. And hence with 5 minutes work either switch production to Pi.backup or use Pi.backup to import 100% of pages to Pi.production. Simple and fast to keep production going.

My first attempt was to export "all pages (including XWIKI folder) from Pi.production to Pi.backup. My logic was simple, XWIKI is too complex to simply pick some pages and not other pages would be a huge logical and practical mistake. The "all pages: export/import broke Pi.backup. I assume all pages were exported and then all imported and Pi.backup died (I also killed my SAS account doing the same and had to have it restored but that may have been caused by a version difference).

My next option is to use the subset of ‘created or modified’ pages (select all). And immediately after upgrade to 12.6.1 I created a ‘created+modified pages’ export on Pi.production and imported into Pi.backup. Looked pretty good no immediate obvious differences.

I opened up Global Administration on both Pi.production and Pi.backup side by side and then I had side by side page comparison on the screen (and I did a screen capture) and it was obvious which Global Administration pages were different. However on further hard review there were issues:

  1. There are about 30 sub pages to Global Administration. Of the 30, 19 were exported/imported “correctly” and 11 pages had differences between Pi.production and Pi.backup. For example, Global Administration : Authentication was enabled on Pi.production but Pi.backup the field was disabled… A difference. The following Global Administration pages were different: Home,> other, Application Panel, Navigation Panel, Authentication. Mail Sending, Mail Sending Status, Office Server, Invitation, Registration, Notification (it was missing Blog)…

And Blog and Forum applications were not moved from Pi.production to Pi.backup although the test forum paages and blog page entries were moved. This can be seen on the export listing when Blog was expanded I could see the blog sub pages were marked for export but I could not force the main Blog folder to export … ie the application.

Subsequently, I tried the export all pages and on that export listing I could see that Blog main folder was marked for export as well as all the blog sub pages.

  1. I do understand that Global Administration is an application that manages these 30 odd pages and the pages are not stored in a folder called Global Administration. They are stored by various names in the XWIKI folder (and elsewhere?). The key “problem” is that unless I know the specific page names, it would be suicide to try to select pages by their names … too easy to make a mistake.

  2. The other possibility is to do a select all pages, then select none. Then go to the XWIKI folder and select the XWIKI folder for export along with all associated pages. And possibly, with instructions, unselect specific xwiki pages so they are not exported.

  3. Another possiblity, is to enhance the export to have a third subset of pages call it: xwiki backup of created, modified user pages, applications and all appropriate XWIKI pages? That way all the proper XWIKI pages would be selected to ensure 100% backup of proper XWIKI pages, plus all user created or modified pages.?

Thank you for your help.


How did you make the menu bar green and remove the shadow?

Does anyone else know?