How can I delegate a group to maintain an App In Minutes application structure

I am a member of the XWikiAdminGroup that has the global permissions thgat look like

I have another group as you can see which is XWikiAppCreator. I (Myself) has created an app using the App In Minutes Wizard that is located here

Now I want to delegate to the users of the group XWikiAppCreator the ability to maintain this application including creating new fields, renaming fields, etc.

How do I go about doing that? I have tried to do so bu changing the permissions on the Code and children page, but I have not obviously gotten it correct, because when I do so, and then login as a user that is a member of the XWikiAppCreator group and then edit the application as that user, I first get an error indicating that the page is locked by another user (me as the administrator). I don’t know why I get that because there is no other editing session on the wiki at this point.
I for the editing to continue.

I then as the user of of the XWikiAppCreator group, just step through the application steps and get these errors:
If I force the editing and continue I get this error
And if I continue, sure enough the application does not work correctly when trying to add/delete entries.

My permissions on the Code page look like
And this user is a member of that group

So what am I doing wrong or what did I miss. Frankly this is one of the most confusing areas of XWiki which is the permissions :frowning:

You logged out the initial user when you were in an edit session, and after login, your second user was redirected to the same URL, as you can see also in the screen. So, the edit session wasn’t closed for the previous user.

Then you need to provide all the application’s required rights (script) to the new group but these rights should be provided at the applications root space: Processes or ReportsInventory, as it looks in you case that giving the permissions directly to the lowest space Code is not enough.

As for the translations, you need to escape the blank spaces in the translation document. Thus, you would have reports\ inventory.livetable.location for the location column.