It’s probably a basic question but how can you change the rights for the panels modules. For example, if I want to make the search and the navigation panels available to non registered user, they don’t have a specific administration page. I tried to modify the rights on the general Panels administration page but it didn’t work.
Each panel is a wiki page so the trick is to setup the view right on that wiki page.
For example the navigation panel is located on http://myhost/xwiki/bin/view/Panels/Navigation.
Yes, I’ve tried this, it works easily on content pages. But not on panels pages: I’ve tried to give different right to unregistered user but the Navigation script stay on “Loading” and if I want to search something, it returns the following message:
Failed to execute the [include] macro. Cause: [Current user [null] doesn’t have view rights on document [xwiki:XWiki.SearchCode]]
Which version of XWiki are you using ?
Works fine for me on 9.11.1 and 10.1: if the current user does not have view right on the panel it’s not executed at all.
Thanks for testing,
Its the 9.11.3
I’m on 11.1 and having the same trouble setting rights on panels as I used to.
Will this be adressed?
Not unless more details is provided to reproduce the issue.
As suggested in my previous message here is what works well for me:
- add some panel to the preferences
- configure the right of this panel page to make sure only admin can VIEW it
- logout
→ the panel does not show up anymore and when I try to access that panel page I’m asked to authenticate to see it.
Humzzz, overlooked the “advanced user” type for editing on the preferences page for the user…
Now it’s in the editing menu… Sorry for bothering!
See above…