How to create page tree relative to current page


I’d like to create a page tree relative to the page where I have inserted the page tree macro. What can I put as node ID to refer to the current page, without having to put the full path? I cannot put the full path because it contains white spaces (which seem to not work in node IDs) and furthermore I would like to be future proven and be able to move the page without breaking the macro.

I know the children macro could be an option, however in the children Macro only the first 10 or so items are listed and you have to extend the list by clicking repeatedly onto the “more” button. If there would be an option to display all children directly from the beginning, then this macro would be also ok.

Can anyone help?

You need to use the limit parameter of the page tree macro. From the children macro page you can check out the source and see that it’s just a document tree with the current document as the root.
When looking at the doc for the documentTree macro, you can see the limit parameter. Increasing this limit will increase the max size you want your children list to be (if you want all children, you can just set it very high).

Here is an example with

{{documentTree root=“document:” limit=200/}}

I hope this helps.

Hi Lucas,

this was the solution! Thanks a lot!

Best regards