It always display user name in “[first name] [last name]” form, however, Chinese usually need “[last name][first name]” form,how to change it?
Good point. This is a current limitation.
You should create a jira issue at XWiki Platform - JIRA
The only solution right now would be to patch the code at xwiki-platform/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-oldcore/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/ at d5eef693bd3f4b50bf440dd090bf404f3b772a59 · xwiki/xwiki-platform · GitHub
Until the Jira issue is picked up and implemented in XWiki, perhaps I can provide our Chinese friends with a temporary solution. This is a CSS based solution depending on switching the label contents of the first name and the last name in the user profile and registration page. It is a bit hacky but it should do the trick.
This piece of CSS can be placed in the advanced section of the theme of your wiki. Route:
Global admin > Look & Feel > Themes > Color theme (customize) > Advanced
html[lang="zh"] { /* Change here for defining LanguageCode_RegionCode (e.g. zh, zh_CN, zh_TW, zh_SG or zh_HK) */
#profilePane label[for$="first_name"]::before,
#register label[for$="first_name"]::before {
content: "姓"; /* Change here for defining the LAST NAME */
#profilePane label[for$="last_name"]::before,
#register label[for$="last_name"]::before {
content: "名"; /* Change here for defining the FIRST NAME */
/* Leave CSS below as is (no changes needed). */
html[lang^="zh"] {
#profilePane label[for$="first_name"]::before,
#register label[for$="first_name"]::before,
#profilePane label[for$="last_name"]::before,
#register label[for$="last_name"]::before {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
visibility: visible;
#profilePane label[for$="first_name"],
#register label[for$="first_name"],
#profilePane label[for$="last_name"],
#register label[for$="last_name"] {
position: relative;
visibility: hidden;