How to disable developer shortcuts?


Is there a way to disable the shortcuts x+x+x+h and x+x+x+a on the entire wiki? I don’t want users to be able to enable viewing hidden info for themselves.


Hi, see


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Where would I put that to have it affect the whole wiki?


It seems like both shortcut.remove("x+x+x+a"); shortcut.remove("x x x a"); does not work when I added it to a page. Still not sure how these sequence combos are registered and how to remove them.


Could you show or describe exactly what you did?

I tried adding this to a page:

{{html clean="false"}}
<script type="text/javascript"> 
    shortcut.remove("x x x a");

I could still do x x x a after on that page so it doesn’t seem to work even at a page level. Also tried to put the javascript in Look & Feel > Presentation >HTTP META INFO to try to have it on every page but it does not seem to work either:

<script type='text/javascript'>
  shortcut.remove("x x x a");

I can still do the command even after doing this so that doesn’t seem to work. I even put it inside a timeout just to make sure it isn’t trying to remove it before the shortcuts are bound.


I’ve tried with a JavaScriptExtension ( and it worked fine for me with:


Hi, getting back to old topic. Do you know how to disable global shortcuts like Alt-S (save). I’ve tried all methods mentioned but it won’t work. Or rather they still work :slight_smile:
I’m Polish and on my mac Alt-S is used to obtain “ś” polish diacritic character in example.

I tried this too but it never worked. I also tried the “Hello World” example from here:
and it worked at the whole wiki. Has there something changed since your last post.