How to Export of selected Application Table

Hello @all,
if i have a Application, like the Movie Application, and i want to export just one or some sellected Entrys of them to a csv oder text file how can i do the export.

On my case I have a Userdatabase build a application and if i geneate a new user i would like to export this data to a file.

Ist that pssible?

Many Thanks

What I usually do is copy/paste the table in Excel or Calc and save it as CSV.

If you can modify the application itself you could maybe try

Hello tmortagne,
thanks for fast reply!
If i understand that right, Livetable Exporter Marco are only working Livetable Macro right?
I can’t find out what i need to do get that running on a application.
Is that possibel to help me a little bit with this.

Many thank!

In the case of a standard XWiki App you will notice the use of the #livetable Velocity macro if you edit the application home page with wiki editor (if you don’t have the arrow next to “Edit” to choose the editor, you need to change your user to “Advanced” in your user profile). If you are in this case, from what I understand all you have to do is add what’s indicated in

you meen like this at the end the end?

What is a livetable-ID?

Yes leave an empty line after {{/velocity}}.

As indicated in the documentation, it’s the first parameter of the #livetable macro.

OK I did that:

but there are no export buttons at the end of the application.
I test also this at the end:

{{livetableExporter livetable=“User-id” format=“csv” /}} {{livetableExporter livetable=“User-id” format=“excel” /}}

This is not the first parameter passed to the #livetable macro according to your screenshot. By the way the id you pass to that #livetable is very strange, the white space does not make much sense for an id.

ok now it’s working. the livetable-id needs to be set in my case like this:

{{livetableExporter livetable=“testlabor benutzerverwaltung” format=“csv”/}} {{livetableExporter livetable=“testlabor benutzerverwaltung” format=“excel”/}}

Now I need to find out if it’s possible to customise the output for a powershell script.

Many thank for helping!!!