Hi all ,
I would require to get the differet types of inputs from user for the same person ( ex. person detail one table ,Vehicle detail another table ,loan details third table ) person table is connected directly with vehicle table using vehicle Id but loan table connected with both person table I’d , vehicle table I’d and have to store the value into SQL Database.
For this I have written some groovy code to connect with SQL DB and with respective SQL query.Now I have to pass the input to the query values to insert the data getting from the user ,so
I am using livtable filterable option to get the input value .is it possible to get it from livtable and get insert into DB?
Q2.loading the query result page using
“Result page”; "page name ".
So when ever the page is reloading the query details again again give the entry in SQL
.so how can I add button for this "result page " ?