How to link xwiki login function to our existing login function

We have a web system which has already login function. Now I want to integrate xwiki to our system using login function of our system. My expectation is that I will add a menu lik ‘wiki’ linking to xwiki system. When I click this link, it will redirect to login page of our existing system to have user input user name and password. And then our system will generate the key to redirect to xwiki, after that, xwiki will get this key to confirm with our system. If authentication passed, I will login xwiki successfully.

I have read related document to find the solution, but I failed. So I want to ask you to help me. Thank you very much.

I think what you are looking for is this:

Did you look at ?

You might also want to look at existing authenticators in case your system is not too specific.

What you describe sounds a lot like OAuth2 or OpenID Connect in which case you could try to use If not then you could looks at it for inspiration to implement you own authenticator.

I tried LDAP authentication on one server. And from another server i have enables SSO login, where i set SSO url to my main server URL(where i configured LDAP). But now problem is that when i am trying to login through second server, its redirecting me to LDAP server. How can i revert back my changes?

Hi! I have a same need of authorization .
When user access the XWiki , it will direct to my own oauth-server(base on oauth2.0) login page but not XWiki’s login view. Then user login success on my oauth-server, it will be redirected to the XWiki.
Is there any support for my need?
Best Regards!

The OpenID Connect authenticator also support OAuth2 servers, see

Yes! I have cloned it and ready to use it .But I don’t know how to do .Is there some detailed guide?
Thank you!

Well as far as I know configuring is usually just about setting the right endpoints (authorization and token) (and of course set the authenticator in xwiki.cfg).

Thanks! I’ll take a try!