Hi, I was using standalone distribution (zip package from here: https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Download/DownloadVersion/?projectVersion=10.11.8) for several months. Something strange happened and I ended up with instance that I cannot run. This problem was described in this topic: Can't run xwiki on fresh system
Unfortunately, I don’t have any export of my pages, but I don’t want to lose my work. I thought, that maybe I just create new instance of standalone distribution and just copy database from the broken one. I’m not sure where this database is located. I assume by size, that xwiki_db.logs file is the database, but I’m not sure. I tried to copy entire ./xwiki-platform-distribution-jetty-hsqldb-10.10/data/ folder and paste to new instance, but I ended up with the same error that occurred with previous instance: HTTP ERROR 500Problem accessing /xwiki/bin/view/Main/. Reason: Server - Pastebin.com
I would be grateful for your help, I don’t want to lose my data, pretty please