I would like to know, please, how do I rename a space that contains a “dot” in the name (example: my.space)? Xwiki tells me that the document does not exist, but it does exist and has child pages.
Thanks in advance.
I would like to know, please, how do I rename a space that contains a “dot” in the name (example: my.space)? Xwiki tells me that the document does not exist, but it does exist and has child pages.
Thanks in advance.
There’s nothing special to do, it should just work. You could try on playground.xwiki.org to see if the problem reproduces there.
By analyzing the data below, could you find a possible cause for the fact that I am not being able to exclude? Could it be the slash?
xwd_fullname: Gestão Estratégica\.CCCProjetos Estratégicos.Grupos de Trabalho
xwd_name: Grupos de Trabalho
xwd_web: Gestão Estratégica\.CCCProjetos Estratégicos
Yes must be the backslash. If you’re on Tomcat you need to read this: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Installation/InstallationWAR/InstallationTomcat/#HAllowing222F22and225C22inpagenames
Thanks Vincent!