I’m trying to identify and disable unused accounts for my XWiki instance. Confluence had a sortable “last login timestamp” column in the user list that administrators could use to filter users who do not appear to be using their Confluence accounts anymore. Does XWiki have a similar way to determine when was the last time that a user logged in?
If your xwiki has statistics activated the following code may help you a bit
{{velocity wiki="true"}}
##set($hours = $util.parseInt("$context.macro.params.hours"))
#set ($hours = 2*7*24)
#set($period = $xwiki.jodatime.dateTime.minusHours($hours))
#set($formatter = $xwiki.jodatime.getDateTimeFormatterForPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S"))
#set($date = $formatter.print($period))
#set($now = $xwiki.jodatime.dateTime)
#set ($sql = "select distinct(stats.name),max(stats.endDate) from VisitStats as stats where stats.name <> 'XWiki.XWikiGuest' and stats.endDate > '$date' group by stats.name order by max(stats.endDate) desc")
#set ($results = $xwiki.search($sql))
#set ($count = 1)
#foreach ($result in $results)
#set ($lastupdatedate = $formatter.parseDateTime($result[1].toString()))
#set ($diff = ($now.millis - $lastupdatedate.millis) / 1000)
#set ($diffJ = ($diff / 60 / 60 / 24))
#set ($diffH = ($diff / 60 / 60) - ($diffJ * 24) )
#set ($diffM = ($diff / 60) - ($diffH * 60))
#set ($diffStr = "")
#if ($diffJ == 0 && $diffH == 0 && $diffM == 0)
#set ($diffStr = "now")
#if ($diffJ != 0)
#set ($diffStr = "${diffJ}d")
#if ($diffH != 0 || $diffJ != 0)
#if ($diffStr != "")
#set ($diffStr = "$diffStr, ")
#set ($diffStr = "${diffStr}${diffH}h")
#if ($diffJ == 0 && $diffM != 0)
#if ($diffStr != "")
#set ($diffStr = "$diffStr, ")
#set ($diffStr = "${diffStr}${diffM}min")
#set ($diffStr = "${diffStr} ago")
| [[$result[0]]] | $xwiki.getUserName($result[0],false) | (${diffStr})
#set ($count = $count + 1)
It generates a sorted table of xwiki visits the last 14 days ($hours).
Thank you for the code. I couldn’t get it to display anything for some reason (maybe I don’t have the right stats enabled?), but I’ll need to spend some time debugging my setup.
Any hint on this subject? I’m looking at the same info.