How to set global upload file size limit - official docs not working for me

Hello there!

I’m trying to follow these instructions to set a global file size limit on my xwiki 12.6.1 deployment but this XWikiPreferences file, which the official docs are talking about, seems not to be there! This is what I get:

Any idea? Am I overlooking something?

Oh, my co-dev found it out. First, the /xwiki/ part of the given URL was not there in our case. So this seems to be optional. The second problem was that I then visited

  • this URL .: http://<yourwiki>//bin/edit/XWiki/XWikiPreferences?editor=object
  • instead of: http://<yourwiki>/bin/edit/XWiki/XWikiPreferences?editor=object

where the former leads me to the same “page not found” page and the latter works. So apparently, having two slashes makes it fail! Is that right? Should the docs be updated or do you think our case was unique? Cost me half an hour though…