I’m trying to generate emails based on an RSS feed. The use case is I have a group who needs to monitor changes to pages based on a tag. I know that I can create an RSS feed, and I know how to get emails based on the watchlist, but I can’t see a way to tie these two features together.
Is it possible to add an RSS feed to a user’s watchlist so they get emails based on changes to the tagged pages?
the easiest for that is probably to use a Notification filter so that any changes on a tagged page is sent as a notification email.
I can see two ways for doing that:
By iterating over the tagged pages and your users to create the dedicated Notification filters for those pages for all of your users. You’ll need to create again a new filter for any page new page with the tag etc. That might be a bit tedious in terms of maintenance.
You create a dedicated Notification filter that checks when a document event arrives and check the tag of the event for keeping the notification / sending an email.
Thanks, it sounds like I’m not just missing something in the docs, it doesn’t actually exist yet. I’m not a Java guy, so I’ll have to ask around and see if there’s anyone looking for a side project. Thanks for the pointers.