I have created one button on the header to create new page but how can we add new page under current page.Right now it is creating page under home,how can I create under current page

I have created one button on the header to create new page but how can we add new page under current page.Right now it is creating page under home,how can I create under current page

Hi. Could you please use a smaller title? Also, is this related to XWiki? Thx

sorry for that title,
is it possible to add create page button on xwiki header?

I guess you could do that by adding a UIX, see:

all this really depends on what that button does and how it ‘adds the new page’.

If what you need is the standard “create page” button that is already in the UI of XWiki but you’d only like to move it somewhere else, then you’d just need to use an UI Extension (as @vmassol pointed) with a button to the URL of the ‘create’ action on the current page (so that it’s contextualized to the current page, as you want). In velocity scripting, you can get the URL of the ‘create’ action for the current page like this: $doc.getURL('create').

If you have/want something else than the default create button of XWiki, something that would do something else (e.g. not only point to the create form but also create the page and save it or something), then how you achieve what depends a lot on your code.

Hope this helps,