Images are not displayed in the table

Hi, I have a problem with displaying images in a table.
When I add an image from an attachment, all images are displayed in the edit mode, but after I save the page, I see the following in the view mode:

I then go to the Image macro and try to add images from the attachments of this page, I see the following

If I look in DevTools/Console, I see the following errors:

If I copy this page to another space, everything works fine.
Can someone help me solve this problem?

Maybe it coud help to switch to the source view and paste your content here.

I tried that, but it didn’t work.

It is meant, that you paste your wiki syntax here in the forum I guess.

What is the recommended page size?
I divided the page into several separate ones and there is no problem.
I also noticed that when the page is very large, then when editing it, xwiki starts to freeze.
I am using xwiki 15.10.5, 4CPU, 16GB RAM, SSD
Environment='CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms800M -Xmx1600M -server -XX:+UseParallelGC'

page.txt (144.5 KB)
Here is the content of the page from the source mode edit.