Hello, i want to import markdown pages from gitlab wiki repository (such as Home · Wiki · Examples / Wiki · GitLab) i want to push and pull markdown pages between XWiki and GitLab wiki for their synchronization.
But i don’t know how.
I try to use https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/gitlab%20Application/ but i can’t pull (push) anything from(to) git repo
Is any way to synchronized Xwiki and GitLab wiki?
The https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/gitlab%20Application/ 's goal is different: it’s to store xwiki wiki pages in a gitlab repo.
What you want is to sync gitlab wiki pages from a gitlab repo with an xwiki page.
This is what was done during the past GSOC with GitHub Pages: https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/GitHub%20Importer%20Application/
AFAIK there isn’t an extension to do the same for GitLab, it would need to be developed.
Note that XWiki supports markdown so you can manually copy/paste gitlab wiki page content inside xwiki pages.
Sorry for digging up this old thread, but I’d be interested if anyone knows if such as the GitHub Importer Application project as has been released for Gitlab in the mean time.
Would save me the time implementing this by myself, which I’m currently considering
@MKoesters I don’t remember seeing a GitLab Importer Application.
The only gitlab related application I can think of is https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/gitlab%20Application/, but my understanding is that it’s only about committing pages to gitlab currently.
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