Import Openproject/Redmine wiki into XWiki


we evaluating xwiki as a replacement for an older openproject (redmine) project management/documentation system.

I searched around and there a some importers for instance for github wiki or confluence but I didn’t find something for importing pages from an openproject/redmine installation.

Does anybody convert into xwiki from this source or have an idea how to do this?


Hi, there’s no such importer (from redmine) that I know of.

The simplest (I think) would be to get the pages exported to HTML from redmine and then import them into XWiki since XWiki supports HTML. Note however that there’s no mass importer for HTML in XWiki and you’ll have to either script it or do a page by page import.

Maybe others have ideas?

Ok, looks like I have to write a script for it… Will start reading the API documentation.