In Group How many members need to allow xwiki...?

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XWiki Enterprise 7.3 - Documentation

I have a one group TEST in XWIKI,when i created users in AD and Not available that users in TEST group.

FYI: TEST already 50 users.

Is there any limit in the Group allow only certain members only like 50 member…?Or what is the problem …?

Any Help…?

Sorry but your message is not very clear. By “AD” you mean Active Directory and you have a mapping between a XWiki group (“XWiki.TEST”) and an Active Directory group ?

If that’s the case you may have misunderstood the way the group synchronization work in the LDAP authenticator: you don’t get a copy of the LDAP group, only the user currently logging in is added (or removed) to the XWIki groups associated to LDAP groups it’s belonging to.

So the new user you added will be added in the TEST group as soon as he logs in. Note that there is a cache of groups on XWiki side for performance reason so you might need to clear it (in the LDAP application administration) or just wait long enough (see property xwiki.authentication.ldap.groupcache_expiration in xwiki.cfg).