Incorrect version requirements on theme extensions?


I saw that it is possible to update the standard theme on a xwiki 10.3 installation to version 10.4. Although nothing broke, I found this to be quite unusual, even more so because after the upgrade to xwiki 10.4 they were in state “installed but invalid” and they had to be repaired. Unfortunately I did not check on the state while still on 10.3.
Is this the expected behaviour or do the extensions miss a proper minimum version requirement, excluding 10.3 and lower?

Best regards,


It’s not very clear to me what you call “standard theme”, are you talking about ?

Could you indicate the steps to reproduce the issue you had.

Yes I meant the standard flavor extension, sorry for the confusion.
The steps to reproduce are fairly simple.
I went to the extensions updater in the administration on the 10.3 wiki, searched for updates and installed them, one by one.

During the upgrade of the extensions the version 10.4 of the standard flavor was offered and installed. After that I upgraded to 10.4 and checked if there are more extensions to upgrade and found the standard flavor to be in state installed but invalid.

The question for me is if the 10.4 version of the standard flavor is meant to be installed on versions less than 10.4 or if it should be filtered out (i.e. not be shown) on the upgrade page?

It’s not meant to be installed and it has a strict dependency on oldcore “[10.4]” which should make that impossible (and which is probably why it’s marked as invalid, the reason for being invalid can usually be found in a warning in the startup log).

I will have to reproduce it to understand how this could have happen. Would be great if you could tell me i you are able to reproduce this issue with the demo package (Index of /releases/org/xwiki/platform/xwiki-platform-distribution-flavor-jetty-hsqldb/10.3).

I installed the demo package and there the standard flavor package is correctly filtered out and not available to be installed.
These packages are the only ones that I can update:

Did you made some modifications to the WEB-INF/lib folder in your instance with the issue ? Like replacing some JARs by others, etc.

No, the only jar I added manually was the mariadb/MySQL jdbc jars. But I added them to tomcat libs not WEB-INF libs.