Install LDAP Authenticator

Hi, i’m trying to install extension to authenticate through AD. When I uploaded extension in Content->Import->Upload a new package and clicked on it’s doing nothing. How can I debug it? My XWIKI version 10.11.10 ( Standard Flavor Preinstalled) and extension LDAP Authenticator 9.4.1

The install instructions are indicated on and it’s really not what you did :wink:

It works! Thanks a lot. But there are some weird things. I’ve installed and configured extension LDAP Authenticator, but couldn’t login with my domain credentials. There were nothing in log files though I set loglevel trace for org.xwiki.contrib.ldap in logback.xml Then I noticed that the plugin Active Directory Authenticator want to be licensed though I deleted it previosly. I got a trial licence and LDAP Authenticator started working. I hope it will be ok 10 days later.