Hi. Have been trying to install xwiki on an AWS EC2 instance of Ubuntu 22.04 with tomcat9 and mysql - but not able to do so.
Have followed the following steps:
Logged into a fresh installation of Ubuntu 22.04 as root
Ran the following commands:
apt-get update -y
apt-get upgrade -y
apt install default-jdk -y
apt-get -y install wget curl
wget https://maven.xwiki.org/xwiki-keyring.gpg -O /usr/share/keyrings/xwiki-keyring.gpg
wget “https://maven.xwiki.org/stable/xwiki-stable.list” -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xwiki-stable.list
apt-get update -y
apt search xwiki
apt-get install xwiki-tomcat9-common xwiki-tomcat9-mysql -y -
Everything happens correctly. I can see that tomcat service is running. Mysql has been setup and xwiki DB is present. When i access the ipaddress:8080 url it shows tomcat running page. But when i go to ‘ipadress:8080/xwiki’ is says resource not available.
When i check tomcat/webapps folder, only ROOT is available. xwiki is not there.
Any suggestions for troubleshooting? Any additional information / log file required, do let me know.
Thanks for taking time out to respond.