Hello !
We intend to build a two-side application, one side constituted by xwiki, the other by a js/react application dealing with a noSQL (couchDB) database. The xwiki part is working all right but now we’d like to set up links and to retrieve (and edit ?) information from the noSQL database.
I read https://forum.xwiki.org/t/accessing-database-table-in-page/3333 , it seems to be possible to do things manually in Macros. But maybe working with a noSQL database implies specificities.
If you want to have a glimpse of the kind of application we want to connect : http://vitraux.porphyry.org/.
I’m interested in any global advise/feedback of external database connexion, etc…
For example, should I use one type of script more than another ? Groovy more than Velocity ?
Many thanks in advance !