My name is Ege SARI. I am a GCI participant from Turkey. My xwiki.org profile is Ege_SARI, Riot/Matrix id is Ege_SARI and my Jira id is also Ege_SARI.
Hi, Welcome to XWiki!
Thank you
Welcome !
May I ask a question? I am working on a new task which is named setup development environment. How can import the extracted vm in virtual box? Thanks for the answer.
@Ege_SARI in VirtualBox you actually need to create a new VM and at some point it will ask you if you want to new storage or reuse an existing one (the vm file you extracted is basically a hard drive for VirtualBox VMs).
Thank you so much
My name is venkata yaswanth goud. I am a GCI participant from india. My xwiki.org profile is venkatayaswanthgoud,Riot id is venkatayaswanthgoud
how could i I compleate my task that Become a community member
please help me…!!!