Greetings! I managed to set up invitation mail. However when the recipient of an invitation clicks the “Accept the invitation and join” link he is promptly redirected to the login page of our Wiki. There he can obviously not login because he has no account yet. I guess invitations do not play nicely with the “Prevent unregistered users from viewing pages” setting under Administer Wiki > Users & Rights > Rights. Is my observation correct? Is there any setting I missed or can I only create accounts manually in this case?
I have XWiki Debian 14.4.1 and Invitation Application 14.4.1.
Furthermore, I have a few observations/suggestions regarding the invitation application.
- It’s rather hard to find. After going for some days thinking there was no such functionality I only found it by accident in the application index which is not reachable in the left pane under “Applications”.
- There seems to be no way to delete an invitation, even if it never reached its recipient. It’s a little strange to have such kind of “dead bodies” lying around with no way to clean up
- Under Administer Wiki > Users & Rights > Registration there is another “Invitation email content” setting that seemingly serves no purpose because the actual invitation mail content should be covered by the “Email message body HTML template” setting in Administer Wiki > Users & Rights > Invitation. If this setting serves any purpose some documentation would be beneficial.
- I’d rather have my full name shown in the invitation’s subject line by default (this is the way it is shown in email notifications), not my login name. I’m sure this could be changed by setting
in the invitation mail template but I don’t have sufficient knowledge of XWiki internals for that. - When mail configuration is missing, sending an invitation fails with a rather unspecific error message: “An error has occurred while sending the message.” This is doubly confusing because other mails were already working for me, I just missed the duplicated mail server settings.
Not regarding invitations in particular, it would be very convenient if XWiki could directly link to documentation contents from within settings pages. For example Administer Wiki > Users & Rights > Registration could link to
And don’t get me wrong, so far I’m very pleased with XWiki! I’m just writing down my experience hoping it might help.