Is there a way to set width of the panels?

Trying to set the pages up with a single panel on the left which is fixed-width, so as to always have enough space for the list of links to display there, but without taking more than needed. The “Small” option isn’t wide enough on smaller monitors; the “Medium” option takes too much on anything but small monitors. Is there someplace proper to specify a fixed width for this?

We have been requested by our users if this panel could be variable and it’s width dragged by mouse. Is this worth a feature request or way beyond possibilities?

Regards, Simpel

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Related: [XWIKI-10498] Implement collapsing & expanding panels on Flamingo - JIRA

The following JavaScriptExtension uses the CSS resize feature to make the width of a panel dynamic.

 var panelObserver = new ResizeObserver(function (entries) {
      entries.forEach(function (entry) {
          var leftPanelsWidth = function () {
              var leftPanels = document.getElementById("leftPanels");
              if (leftPanels == null) {
                  return 0
              } else {
                  return leftPanels.getWidth()
          var rightPanelsWidth = function () {
              var rightPanels = document.getElementById("rightPanels");
              if (rightPanels == null) {
                  return 0
              } else {
                  return rightPanels.getWidth()
          if ( == "leftPanels" || == "rightPanels") {
              var contentColumn = document.getElementById("contentcolumn").children[0];
              var leftPanels = document.getElementById("leftPanels");
              var containerWidth = document.getElementById("contentcontainerinner").getWidth();
              var paddingCorrection = 60;
    ["left"] = 100 * leftPanelsWidth() / containerWidth + "%";
    ["width"] = 100 * (containerWidth - rightPanelsWidth() - leftPanelsWidth() - paddingCorrection) / containerWidth + "%";
              if (leftPanels != null) {
        ["right"] =["width"]

  if (document.getElementById("leftPanels") != null) {
      document.getElementById("leftPanels").style["resize"] = "horizontal";
      document.getElementById("leftPanels").style["overflow"] = "hidden";

  if (document.getElementById("rightPanels") != null) {
      document.getElementById("rightPanels").style["resize"] = "horizontal";
      document.getElementById("rightPanels").style["overflow"] = "hidden";

It is a bit “dirty”, as it uses the HTML ids of the page layout, but it works.

(Used with flamingo skin).