Issues after deleting sub-wiki

Hi there.

I recently deleted a sub-wiki, but I can see in the catalina.out log that there are errors popping up regarding the deleted sub-wiki’s database and user settings for a user from the main wiki.

I haven’t found where these settings are stored so I haven’t been able to manually clean these either, or why it’s even attempting to look for permissions for the deleted sub-wiki
Could someone help me? :slight_smile:

Hi, deleting a wiki removes it from the DB. However it doesn’t remove links you may have to this wiki. These links will generates these Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown database 'testing' in the logs. This is something we need to improve: Loading...

Oh, that explains why I couldn’t find anything of interest when searching through a database-dump, I only saw the sub-wiki in question pop up on rows that looked like notifications that the user(s) had recieved.

For anyone who comes across this thread, here is how I got the errors to go away:

I asked one of the users who showed up in the log with the error to clear up all their notifications and now they aren’t producing any more errors. Just gotta ask the other users to do the same :slight_smile: