July 2024 Roadmap (XS, Contrib Extensions)

Hi devs,

XWiki Standard 16.6.0

  • WCAG - Lucas + Michael reviewing the PRs/merge them
    • Outstanding from past roadmaps:
    • New:
      • Loading... - Object editor keyboard accessibility
  • PDF export - Marius
    • Outstanding from past roadmaps:
      • Loading... - The side box used by the Encyclopedia template appears after the content when exporting to PDF
        • Requires:
          • Loading... Move the Templates Application to XWiki Platform
          • Loading... Improve the Encyclopedia template
  • Security issues - Pierre
  • UI/UX improvements - Thiago + Adina
    • Outstanding from past roadmaps:
      • Thiago:
        • Loading... - Inconsistent use of icons for “Close” and “Delete”
        • Loading... - Provide design improvements for QuickSearch
        • Loading... - UI proposal for managing Access Rights
      • Adina:
        • Loading... - Continue identifying all usability issues regarding macros’ modal configurations
        • Loading... - Prepare a UX testing for new comers
    • New:
      • Thiago:
  • Realtime - Marius + Dorian
    • Outstanding from past roadmaps:
      • Loading... Add the Source button for the Realtime editor
      • Log in - XWiki.org JIRA Prevent users with different programming/script access level to enter the same realtime editing session.
      • Loading... Enable realtime editing for the WYSIWYG editor by default
    • New:
      • Debug and fix the Merge Conflict modal that appears for no reason sometimes (hard to reproduce consistently but very annoying for the end user)
      • XWIKI-22228: The automatic realtime save is not performed all times with the last user that made a modification
      • XWIKI-22227: Images become broken in edit mode when there is an automatic “Saved by merging changes”
      • XWIKI-22218: Drag & Drop doesn’t successfully create links if the actions are performed in the same time by users
      • XWIKI-22226: Enabling realtime collaboration through the link from the warning message doesn’t work when editing in-place
  • Security Vulnerabilities - Pierre
    • Outstanding from past roadmaps:
      • Loading... - Only show the red bell for security issues if an action can be done
      • Loading... - Activate the Security Vulnerabilities feature by default
      • If there are no other issues needed for it, apart from Loading...
  • Javax → Jakarta migration - Thomas
    • Outstanding from past roadmaps:
      • Loading... - Upgrade to Servlet 5.0
        • Note: includes moving to Jetty 12 (to have Servlet 5 support)
      • Loading... - Upgrade to Jakarta Mail 2.x
        • Also need to bridge Javax Mail API since that’s what everything which sends a mail in XWiki directly uses
  • Message stream - Simon
  • Improvements to the registration flow - Lucas
  • Required Rights - Michael
    • Outstanding from past roadmaps:
      • Loading... - Introduce the notion of required rights
  • Deprecate Recommended and add Supported By concept in EM and Repo App - Thomas
    • New:
      • Loading... Introduce the Supported By concept in Extension Manager and Repository
  • The page naming strategy blocks creation of pages via a wanted link - Simon

Contrib & Others

  • Cristal contrib extension - Manuel + Thiago
    • Outstanding from past roadmaps:
      • Manuel:
      • Thiago:
      • Pierre:
    • New:
  • WAISE project, Contrib extension - Michael + Paul
    • Outstanding from past roadmaps:
      • Michael:
        • Loading... Implement a separate indexing queue with a UI for its status
        • Loading... Add support for indexing existing XWiki spaces
        • Loading... Improve chunking by taking newlines and headings into account
      • Paul:
        • (optional, if time permits) Loading... Translate context documents in the benchmark and use combinations of languages
        • (optional, if time permits) Loading... Evaluate the output language of the LLM in the benchmark
    • New:
      • Paul:
      • Michael:
        • Loading... There is no context when the prompt doesn’t include it in the model configuration
  • Change Request - Simon
    • Outstanding from past roadmaps:
      • Enable Object Editor for users with CR-edit right
      • Requires Loading...


  • All: BFDs on Thursdays
  • All: Fix flickers
  • All: With the time left, fix some critical/major open bugs. Take them from the critical list of open bugs


  • 16.6.0RC1: 22nd of July 2024
  • 16.6.0 : 29th of July 2024

Now published at https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Roadmaps/#HJulyRoadmap