Kanban missing buttons and description

Hi, I am currently testing Kanban as a free alternative for Task Manager. Unfortunately, I have a few problems with the display. I’m missing the buttons to delete tasks and I can’t see the description under the title. I got the template from the Kanban xwiki page.

{{kanban width=“30%” addBoardButton=“true” addItemButton=“true” removeBoardButton=“true” addRemoveButton=“true”}}
[{“id”: “todo”, “title”: “To Do”, “color”: “yellow”, “item”:[{“title”: “problem7”, “description”: “test”},{“title”: “problem3”, “description”: “test”}]},{“id”: “working”, “title”: “Working”, “color”: “orange”,“item”:[{“title”:“problem8”},{“title”:“problem4”}]},{“id”:“done”,“title”:“Done”,“color”:“red”,“item”:[{“title”:“problem1”,“description”:“test”},{“title”:“problem9”},{“title”:“problem2”}]}]

Can anyone tell me what the problem might be?
Or does anyone know of another alternative with which a kind of ticket system can be implemented to which all users have access in order to present problems?

Hello, it seems you’re talking about Kanban Board macro, at the time you can see all opened/reported issues on Jira side KANBAN - XWiki.org JIRA.